Who is this relevant for

Curious folks looking to get more familiar with the world of crypto. Content does not have specific advice for crypto programming (dev) enthusiasts.

Good general advice for Both techies and non-techies


Crypto is a rabbithole. It is also a blackhole.

If you’re like most people, the word crypto has been a blackbox to you. You know that it's a really volatile asset and you’ve bought some ethereum on an Indian website. You don’t know the full form of NFT but it always sounds familiar. You’ve heard of TV campaigns often asking you to purchase bitcoin but are still wondering if it is legitimate.

This article attempts to bring structure to your study of the crypto Industry. It will also attempt to dispel some of the irrational fears we have around the subject. It’s mostly only links, not much text.

If that sounds helpful, dive in!

Industry Overview

In your laptop, there’s an Operating System (OS).

Your chrome browser or your local Notepad, are applications built on top of this OS. They’re all powerful, but the OS is what powers them.

Similarly, in the world of crypto, “blockchains” are the OS. If you’ve heard of Ethereum, Solana or Cardano - they are the OS. These “blockchains” are not one computer but a network of Thousands of computers globally connected via the internet. Hence it is often called “decentralized”.

Then come the applications on top of it, that are powered by these blockchains (“OS”), but tackle real world use cases. Popular ones listed below

  1. Cryptocurrencies

  2. Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

  3. Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

  4. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)